Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Meaning of Dreams

A dream has the power to unify the body, mind, and spirit. It provides you with insight into your own self and a means for self-exploration. In understanding your dreams, you will gain a better understanding and discovery of your true self.  So stay awhile explore, discover, have fun, make friends, and find out what's in YOUR dream?!

 Dreams can be anything which is in your mind..most of the time we didn't notice something...but our mind or memory observed that thing...and those are walking in your dreams when your body and memories are sleeping...and that time mind or brain is refreshing all those thing...and which having more powerful memory, are come in our dreams in any format. it can be a notice, it can be a reminder..but most of the dreams are related to you...all dreams having a meaning. we just need to attention on that. 

Most of the common Dreams 
I feel that most of the common dream had falling dreams, it is such a common dream,  that you will die if you hit the ground in the dream. I can assure you, having hit the ground in more than one falling dream, that this is not true at all. In the falling dream we are usually falling through the air and frightened. most of the person having this dream is feeling insecure or lacking in support in their waking life. These dreams often occur when you are overwhelmed in life and feel ready to give up. If you have this dream you should evaluate your current situation and try to locate the problem that is overwhelming you. Deal with it and this dream should go away.

But the 80% dreams are lost when we woke up, because our mind lost all the unnecessary memories after a sleep. it just a refreshing process of the brain.  
                                     Have a Sweet Dreams!!! GOOD NIGHT!!! 

 (It is just a thought of mine, ignore if you seeing any wrong update or any wrong information. Thank you) 

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